To check apartment availability or to make a booking now, please use our secure online booking service.
To make a direct booking inquiry with our friendly reception desk, please phone us on 0428 716 677 or complete our online inquiry form.
We endeavor to respond to all inquiries as soon as possible.
If 8 days notice or more is given the following conditions will apply:
If booking did not originate on the official Driftwood Apartments website; 75% of deposit will be refunded to customer.
If booking was made directly through Driftwood staff or Driftwood website; 90% of deposit will be refunded to customer.
If less than 7 days cancellation notice is given; NO refund of deposit will be given.
Will be no charge to guest and offer your credit to be held for 12 months or a credit back to your account.
Check in from 2.00 pm, check out by 10.00 am.
Earlier check in and/or late check out may be available with enough notice.
Rates are subject to change – existing bookings are honored at confirmed rates.
To secure your key in the Locked Box, a mobile phone number must be provided.